The Test Card

Vital Fluid Analysis: The Forerunner to the Next Generation: “One Drop Instant Lubricant Test”

Quick Simple Testing & Analysis

How It Works

One Drop Test is a patented RADIAL PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHIC analysis tool the measures additive depletion and the level of sludge or debris in a lubricant.  The ISO* diagnostic chart shows how each fluid appears at various stages of degradation on the certified test sheet. All test results are correlated to laboratory analysis by Herguth SGS Laboratories. 

*International Standards Organization   

Why It Works

All modern lubricants contain additives to help inhibit breakdown.  As these additives are consumed, the fluid degrades measurably.  Degraded fluids reduce part-to-part clearances and plug passageways. This causes an increase in friction, heat, and wear.

These higher operating temperatures reduce the fluid's ability to prevent sludge and accelerate acid buildup, promoting corrosion.  The net result is higher energy requirements that increase operating costs, along with higher maintenance and repair bills.

One Drop Test educates and shows motorists Why and When fluid preventative maintenance is required and gives service providers instant credibility in their recommendations.