Colin Knutson Colin Knutson

Confusion About Services

The cold, hard fact is that nothing lasts forever—especially vital fluids that are subjected to extreme conditions and temperatures. While great strides have been made to improve the performance and service life of lubricants and the various fluids essential to the health and longevity of vehicles, no alchemy exists that can extend a fluid’s life cycle indefinitely.

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Colin Knutson Colin Knutson

Why Fluid Testing is Necessary

Testing and Analyzing a fluid’s condition is the Key to identifying and recommending fluid preventative maintenance services.

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Colin Knutson Colin Knutson

Why Most Vehicles Require One or More Fluid Services

These “SEVERE” conditions may be a result of:

Frequent idling for long periods of time, such as stop-and-go driving in heavy traffic

Sustained highway driving in hot weather, such as vacation travel.

Towing a boat or trailer, carrying heavy objects on a rooftop rack.

Driving in dusty conditions, such as dirt or gravel roads.

Prolonged operation at sub-zero temperatures.

Driving on steep hills or mountains on a regular basis.

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Colin Knutson Colin Knutson

Always Test Never Guess

Testing and Analyzing a fluid’s condition is the Key to identifying and recommending fluid preventative maintenance services.

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