Partner With Us

Win Win Win

One Drop Test Sells More…

  • Chemicals & Fluids

  • Preventative Maintenance Services

  • Parts & Tools

. . . and adding instant lubricant Test Kits to your customer’s MPI can triple their fluid preventative maintenance services’ sales within 90 days.

One Drop Is a Complete & Finely Tuned Program

  • Innovative Technology: Our patented instant lubricant test kits utilize chromatographic analysis providing laboratory accurate results in 5-minutes.

  • No Tools or Special Knowledge Required: Anyone who can pull a dipstick or use our fluid sampling tool can instantly test, evaluate, and mark the condition of all vital fluids.

  • Unmatched Training & Support: We do the training for you . . . In a matter of minutes, our Blueprint-for-Success Process with instructional videos shows technicians and service advisors how to test and present the results to customers.

  • Empowers Customers to Say Yes to Service Recommendations: We are your Team’s silent salesman. One Drop educates and shows motorists When and Why fluid preventative maintenance services are required.

Master Distributor or Distributor Sales Partner

Master Distributors receive special pricing on One Drop Test Kits, warehouse One Drop Test Kits, sell and fulfill their sales orders to their customers.

  • One Drop provides training, marketing and sales assets, and full factory support for their sales teams, and for their customers.

Distributor Sales Partner. One Drop Factory Sales Teams carry the water for Distributors by providing Sales, Billing, Marketing, Sales Training, and Support to their customers. This allows Distributors’ sales teams to focus on their product sales

  • Our One Drop Team focuses on increasing your customer’s fluid PM sales. The Distributor receives additional sales of ancillary products generated by the One Drop Team increase in maintenance sales.

  • One Drop also removes the pricing pressure by Dealerships and Service Providers to discount the costs, to bundle, or to provide One Drop no charge as part of their chemical and fluid programs with distributors.

  • No Inventory Management required, and we drop ship directly to your customers.

“Always Test - Never Guess”